COMM 205 - Interpersonal Communication

Number of Credits: 3
Study effective communication in personal and professional relationships. Apply communication concepts and strategies in perception, self-awareness, language, non-verbal communication, listening, and conflict resolution. (Fall & Spring Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three credits. Three billable hours.

GENERAL EDUCATION. Category: Arts and Humanities

Pre-requisite(s): ENGL 101   or COMM 105  
Course Topics:
Intrapersonal communication

Interpersonal communication

Perception, self-awareness, language, non-verbal communication, listening, and conflict resolution

Cultural communication, gendered communication

Ethics and civility

Communication and technology
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define models of communication. (GE1,GE7; PG2,PG4)

2. Explain characteristics of interpersonal communication. (GE1,GE4,GE7;PG1,PG2)

3. Identify elements of effective communication. (GE1,GE3,GE4,GE7;PG2,PG4)

4. Apply strategies for constructive message-making, delivery, and reception. (GE1,GE3,GE4,GE7;PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4)

5. Reflect on personal habits and strategies to improve effectiveness at interpersonal communication. (GE1,GE7;PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4)

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