ENGL 101 - College Writing

Number of Credits: 3
Develop critical reading, thinking, and writing skills for the purpose of exploring ideas and issues relevant in a participatory society. Use an inquiry-based writing process to engage in ethical public discourse. Develop sound perspectives supported by evidence; identify and address bias; consider the needs and interests of different audiences. Must earn a final grade of C or higher to meet General Education requirements for graduation, to transfer course to a 4-year institution, or to enroll in any class for which ENGL-101 is a prerequisite. Advanced Placement Exam (English Language and Composition with a score of 3) accepted. CLEP (Analyze and Interpret Literature with a score of 50) accepted. (Fall, Spring & Summer Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

GENERAL EDUCATION Category: English Composition

Pre-requisite(s): eligibility for ENGL-101.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Discover topics relevant in a participatory society through a process of critical reading, academic research, and personal observation (GE3, GE4, GE7)
  2. Explore and use facts, expert opinions, representative samples, statistics, and personal testimony to develop nuanced points-of-view (GE3, GE4)
  3. Identify and avoid bias, misinformation, and logical fallacies (GE3, GE4)
  4. Craft thesis statements that make a point or a claim that are sustained by descriptions, examples, comparisons, explanations, and analysis (GE1)
  5. Write to engage in civil discourse about shared issues with diverse audiences (GE1, GE7)
  6. Organize ideas to foster clarity and coherence (GE1, GE3)
  7. Document sources of information in MLA-style (GE4)
  8. Write clear and complete sentences without errors that impede meaning (GE1)



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