SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

Number of Credits: 3
Examine patterns that shape human interaction and social behavior in society. Explore sociological research methods and analyze topics such as culture, socialization, gender roles, group conformity, deviance, race, class, and gender inequality, social institutions, and social change. CLEP (Introductory Sociology with a score of 50) accepted. (All Terms) Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Diversity: Meets Diversity Requirement.
GENERAL EDUCATION. Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Pre-requisite(s): eligibility for ENGL 101 .
Course Topics:
Sociological theory and methods, culture, socialization, gender roles, groups, conformity, deviance, imprisonment, race, class, gender, family and other social institutions (e.g: politics, economics)
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1) Define sociology and apply the sociological perspective to the study of human behavior (GE 1,3; PG 1,3)

2) Analyze social phenomena using sociological concepts, theories, and theoretical perspectives. (GE 1,3; PG 1,2,3)

3) Identify methods for sociological research along with their benefits and drawbacks. (GE 1,3,4; PG 2,3)

4) Explore the significance of culture and its impact on socialization, behavior, and social structures (GE 1,3,8; PG 1,2,3,4)

5) Examine the role of social institutions in shaping social and individual behavior and action. (GE 1,3; PG 1,2,3)

6) Explain how systems of social inequality, including racism, sexism, and classism, affect the human experience. (GE 1,3,8; PG 1,2,3,4)

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