Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Enrolling at Carroll

Steps to Admission

1. Apply to Carroll Online! Submit an online admissions application. New students are encouraged to submit applications early in April for fall enrollment or in November for spring enrollment. Admission is open and students can apply any time before a semester begins. You must apply 24-48 hours before placement testing or registration for classes.

2. Submit official transcripts verifying all high school and prior College coursework. A high school transcript is not considered official until a graduation date is posted. Please send once graduation is conferred. If you have taken Advanced Placement courses, these official scores should be sent directly from the College Board. SAT/ACT scores are not required but can exempt you from placement testing. These should also be requested directly from the College Board. We strongly recommend that you send your scores whenever available. GED® recipients must request official test scores and certification from the Department of Education in the state from which they received their diplomas (in Maryland, call 410-767-0538). Transfer students who attended other colleges or universities must submit official transcripts from each college attended to have coursework evaluated and posted toward a degree at Carroll. Students must submit a transfer evaluation form (found in the Lynx Student Portal) for each transcript submitted for evaluation.

3. Apply for financial aid. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at The FAFSA is available beginning October 1; for maximum eligibility, apply before March 1. Visit the Financial Aid Office, room A114, or call 410-386-8437 for assistance. ​​Appyling for financial aid is suggested but not required and will not prevent student from moving forward in the admissions process.

  • Please note that in order to be eligible to receive funds from any of the Federal Financial Aid, students must have a high school diploma or GED, must be enrolled or accepted into an eligible program of study, must be pursuing a credit degree or certificate, and must submit his/her Social Security Number to the College.

4. Meet with advising to determine if course placement or preparation is required before registering for classes. ​

  • Determining course placement. Upon admission to the College, all students are required to show eligibility for College English (ENGL 101) and college-level math. There are many different ways to show college-level eligibility. Click here for detailed information on course placement and eligibility.
  • Transfer Students (already have credit from another College):
    • are ENGL 101 eligible, if they have previously taken and earn a C or higher an equivalent freshman English composition course.
    • are exempt from the math placement test if they have previously taken and passed a math General Education course (except if enrolling in precalculus and calculus courses).
    • may be exempt from a placement test if the student has successfully completed the highest level transitional course in the appropriate subject (English or mathematics) at a Maryland community college. Transitional mathematics courses are only honored for two years.
    • students who have earned an associate’s degree or higher from an accredited institution are exempt from placement testing (except if enrolling in precalculus and calculus courses). Students are required to submit proof of an earned degree or demonstrate prior coursework that satisfies Carroll’s course prerequisites at the time of registration.
  • English Language Learners
    • Will give a writing sample and be placed in a writing course accordingly (not eligible for placement by high school GPA). Placement is determined on initial writing sample, there is not a re-test option.
    • Specialized tutoring services are available for English Language Learners. Student with scores below college-entry-level for mathematics and English will be required to enroll in and satisfactorily complete courses designed to improve these basic skills and may be limited in the number of courses they are permitted to take.

If none of the above requirements have been met, students can take the College placement tests to determine eligibility and placement for English and math coursework. Math placement scores are honored for two years. Students who change math pathways may retest in ALEKS PPL and restart their five (5) attempts. Otherwise, students may not retest once they begin their math sequence.

Prospective and currently enrolled students requiring placement testing may call the Admissions Office, 410-386-8430, for the placement test procedure. Students who would like to enroll based on prior college coursework, should contact the Admissions Office, or 410-386-8430.

Students will be allowed to retest once for English and up to four times for math. A 24-hour delay, plus practice time for math, will be required after the initial test. (Retest fees apply.)

  • Students who score 236 and below on the Accuplacer Next Generation English placement test are referred to the Academic Center for tutoring.
  • Students who score 13 or below on the ALEKS mathematics test or prefer not to take the placement test enroll in MAT 091. 

5. Results and planning. After placement testing (if applicable), schedule a second appointment with advising to determine your next steps.

6. Register for courses. Beginning with placement results, new students will develop an academic plan and obtain advisor approval for first-term courses during their one-on-one advising session. After their first term, students are encouraged to discuss goals with an advisor to assure satisfactory progress toward those goals before subsequent registrations. All students will be required to meet with an academic advisor at 15, 30 and 45 credit milestones to review their academic plans and make any necessary adjustments. At these milestone meetings, advisors will also refer students, if appropriate, to campus resources for assistance in setting career and personal goals, which will aid in the planning process.

7. Pay for classes.
There are many payment options. Payment is due about one month before the term begins. Consult with the cashier or apply for financial aid (grants, scholarships, and loans). Call 410-386-8437 for financial aid information. Go to, click on Lynx Portal to log in, then click on Student Finance to pay or join the payment plan.

8. Attend new student orientation. The New Student Orientation program is an integral component of the college experience. The program is designed to assist new students and their families as they navigate the college environment, to feel at ease in the College community, and to introduce the resources available. Through the cooperation of faculty, staff, and current student leaders, the program focuses on the new students’ understanding of what the College expects of them and what they may expect from the College. The orientation program includes information on the College’s services and facilities, academic expectations, advising, and student life on campus. All new students and their families are encouraged to attend orientation in August (for students entering in the fall term) or January (for students entering in the spring term).


Registration forms are processed daily in the Records Office, room A112, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuition is always due about a month before a term begins. After this deadline, payment is due at the time of registration. A zero-interest tuition payment plan is available. For more information about the tuition payment plan, call the Business Office at 410-386-8040. Please check Carroll email, even when class is not in session to receive payment and waitlist alerts. 

Prohibition of Individuals on Sex Offenders Registry

Carroll Community College is committed to offering accessible educational opportunities to our community. In support of that commitment, the College maintains an open door policy of admission. The college also provides learning opportunities for the younger learners and houses a daycare center. Therefore, the College prohibits the enrollment of individuals listed on any State Services Sex Offender registry and/or Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Sex Offender registry. This would include online classes, programs, or attending any college-sponsored events, on or off campus.