Jan 13, 2025
ENGL 101 - College Writing Number of Credits: 3 Develop critical reading, thinking, and writing skills for the purpose of exploring ideas and issues relevant in a participatory society. Use an inquiry-based writing process to engage in ethical public discourse. Develop sound perspectives supported by evidence; identify and address bias; consider the needs and interests of different audiences. Must earn a final grade of C or higher to meet General Education requirements for graduation, to transfer course to a 4-year institution, or to enroll in any class for which ENGL-101 is a prerequisite. Advanced Placement Exam (English Language and Composition with a score of 3) accepted. CLEP (Analyze and Interpret Literature with a score of 50) accepted. (Fall, Spring & Summer Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.
GENERAL EDUCATION Category: English Composition
Pre-requisite(s): eligibility for ENGL-101. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discover topics relevant in a participatory society through a process of critical reading, academic research, and personal observation (GE3, GE4, GE7)
- Explore and use facts, expert opinions, representative samples, statistics, and personal testimony to develop nuanced points-of-view (GE3, GE4)
- Identify and avoid bias, misinformation, and logical fallacies (GE3, GE4)
- Craft thesis statements that make a point or a claim that are sustained by descriptions, examples, comparisons, explanations, and analysis (GE1)
- Write to engage in civil discourse about shared issues with diverse audiences (GE1, GE7)
- Organize ideas to foster clarity and coherence (GE1, GE3)
- Document sources of information in MLA-style (GE4)
- Write clear and complete sentences without errors that impede meaning (GE1)
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