Nov 02, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

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MAT 091 - Pre-Algebra

Number of Credits: 0
Pre-Algebra reviews operations with fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, percentages, operations with rational numbers, order of operations, evaluation of variable expressions, and solution of linear equations. (Fall & Spring Only) Four hours lecture each week. Zero credits. Four billable hours.

Pre-requisite(s): satisfactory score on placement exam, and placement into ENG 001  or higher. 
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers, fractions and decimals. (GE3,PG1,PG2)
  2. Evaluate expressions containing exponents. (GE3,PG1,PG2)
  3. Use the order of operations to simplify and evaluate algebra expressions. (GE3,PG1,PG2)
  4. Solve linear equations in one variable that contain integers, fractions, and decimals. (GE3,PG1,PG2)
  5. Convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. (GE3,PG1,PG2)
  6. Translate words into mathematical equations and solve. (GE2, GE3,PG1,PG2,PG3)
  7. Apply perimeter and area formulas to solve problems. (GE2, GE3,PG1,PG2,PG3)
  8. Use percents, ratios, rates, and proportions to solve problems. (GE2,GE3,PG1,PG2,PG3)

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