Feb 16, 2025
CGR 299 - Internship 2 in Computer Graphics Number of Credits: variable Develop practical skills under the direction of a professional in a discipline or field. Analyze the internship experience through assignments and meetings with a Carroll faculty mentor. Approval of the program director and the office of student engagement required. At least 45 work hours are required for each credit earned. (Fall, Spring & Summer Only)
Pre-requisite(s): Students must have completed or be exempt from any transitional courses, have a minimum of 12 credit hours, have completed at least one course that is relevant to the internship, and be currently enrolled as a student at Carroll Community College. Minimum GPA must be 2.0 or higher. Course Topics: Topics are specific to the experience and will be outlined by the faculty mentor. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Objectives, specific to the experience, will be outlined by the faculty mentor.
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