Dec 26, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
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EDUC 206 - Materials for Teaching Reading

Number of Credits: 3
Materials for Teaching Reading is designed to assist in-service teachers in selecting and evaluating materials for teaching reading and related skills that are consistent with the findings of scientifically-based reading research. Teachers should leave this course with an understanding of research supported programs, approaches, and methods, so they can address different levels of reading proficiency within the classroom and enable students to become strategic, fluent, and independent readers. Participants will use a variety of texts and other materials to promote student independent reading. Participants will be prepared to involve parents and members of the school and surrounding community to promote daily reading inside and outside of school MSDE approved for Materials for Teaching Reading. Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Pre-requisite(s): Students must hold a Baccalaureate Degree.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge of the variety of materials to be used for the three purposes of reading and the use of these materials with students, parents and community members. PERFORMANCE: Purposes of Reading: identify a variety of text and other media, including technology, for the three purposes of reading. KNOWLEDGE SKILL: Demonstrate knowledge of: -the three purposes of reading: reading to perform a task, reading for literary experience, and reading to be informed. -selecting, organizing, and evaluating the appropriateness of materials that support the three purposes of reading. -selecting teacher and classroom collections that support the three purposes of reading and incorporate the following: cross curricular materials, a range of texts from simple to complex, use of a variety of technological and media resources, and multicultural perspectives. (GE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 PG 1, 2, 3) PERFORMANCE: Developing Independent Readers -use a variety of text and other media, including the arts and technology that support students’ long-term motivation to become independent readers. KNOWLEDGE SKILL: Demonstrate knowledge of: -the theoretical principles of motivation that support independent reading -a variety of assessment tools to determine students’ reading interests and background -selecting, organizing, and evaluating the effectiveness of reading materials that address multiple approaches and diverse perspectives -how to critically evaluate text to determine if it is appropriate to developmental level, students’ interests, level of difficulty, and issues of diversity -integrating a variety of texts, materials, and activities from the entire curriculum which support the reading process -selecting, organizing, and evaluating classroom and teacher collections, including at least the following: a variety of cultures, subject areas, reading levels, interest levels, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, classical, basal readers, reference materials, periodicals, technological and media resources, and instructional materials which support all of the above -integrating the use of key words, chapter headings, subheadings, maps, charts, study questions, footnotes, captions, illustrations, glossaries, appendices, table of contents, indices, and bibliographies to aid comprehension -using a variety of study skills that enable students to use text and other media effectively (GE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 PG 1, 2, 3) PERFORMANCE: Selecting and Evaluating Materials: -select and evaluate materials appropriate for their students. KNOWLEDGE SKILL: Demonstrate knowledge of: -different retrieval mechanisms to build a classroom collection to fulfill the goals of the entire curriculum -a variety of instructional materials and media to address students’ needs and interests including at least the following: multicultural perspectives multiple intelligences age-appropriateness gender range of readability for the average, advanced, special needs student, and the student with little or no literacy ability in either a first or second language cross-curricular materials language diversity and limited English proficiency (GE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 PG 1, 2, 3) PERFORMANCE: Involving the Community: -use the expertise of members of the community to fulfill the goals of the reading program. KNOWLEDGE SKILL: Demonstrate knowledge of: -the roles and responsibilities of the educational community, including at least the following: reading specialists, media specialists, parents, central office personnel, building administrators, special educators, researchers, arts educators, students, media, public librarians, and businesses: -using a team approach to identify, select, and evaluate materials that meet students’ reading needs and interests. (GE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 PG 1, 2, 3) PERFORMANCE: assist parents in their roles in selecting and using a variety of reading materials and other media, including technology, that support reading. KNOWLEDGE SKILL: Demonstrate knowledge of: -parent-school collaborations that can be used to inform parents about reading and other media, which includes technology, that promote reading motivation and independent reading. -the appropriate use of parent workshops, brochures, summer reading lists, reading programs, and public libraries to acquire, promote, develop, and implement materials that promote literacy and independent reading. -resources that parents will need to maintain and promote motivation to read and encourage positive attitudes toward reading, including at least the following: media including technology, public libraries, community organizations, child care providers, and other agencies dedicated to children. -reading strategies for parents including reading comprehension, oral reading, phonemic awareness, questioning, predicting, and summarizing through a variety of texts. -activities, such as drawing, creative play, songs, and movement experiences, that parents can use to support language development and readiness for reading. -strategies for parents who themselves are limited English proficient to help their children develop reading skills. (GE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 PG 1, 2, 3)

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