Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
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SOC 210 - Social Problems

Number of Credits: 3
Examine causes of societal concern both globally and in the United States. Analyze topics such as poverty, economic and political inequality, ageism, racism, sexism, prostitution, pornography, crime, physical and mental health, substance abuse, family instability, immigration, and environment.  (Fall & Spring Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three credits. Three billable hours.

Diversity: Meets Diversity Requirement.
GENERAL EDUCATION. Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Pre-requisite(s): ENGL 101  
Course Topics:
Poverty, economic and political inequality, racism, sexism, ageism, gender and sexual orientation, prostitution, pornography, crime, education, physical and mental health, substance abuse, family instability, domestic violence, social movements, immigration, environment.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain what constitutes a social problem, the social context that sociologists use to understand social problems, and the major social theories used to analyze social problems. (GE 1,2; PG 1,2,4)

2. Examine various ways of defining poverty, the extent of poverty in the United States and in other countries, and possible solutions to poverty. (GE 1,2,4,6; PG 1,3,4)

3 Analyze how unequal systems of power related to statuses such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and social class intersect to create and perpetuate social problems in the U.S. and in other societies. (GE 1,2,6,7; PG 1,2,4)

4. Analyze crime, prostitution, pornography, and drug abuse from a sociological perspective. (GE 1,2; PG 1)

5. Examine the social problem of physical and mental healthcare in the U.S. and discuss well-reasoned solutions to this problem. (GE 1,2,4,7; PG 1,2,3,4)

6. Describe changes in family structure in the U.S. and problems related to family instability and domestic violence. (GE 1; PG 1,4)

7. Explain current patterns of population growth and international migration in the world and their connection to environmental degradation. (GE 1,2,6,7; PG 1,2,4)

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