Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

Programs and Services for Students

Academic Advising

The Advising and Transfer Center offers a variety of services to students in order to facilitate academic and transfer planning. Every new student is guided by an advisor through the initial registration process, based on assessment in reading, English and mathematics. At the same time, advisors provide an in-depth preview on Student Planning, a tool for both long-term academic planning and registration.

Due to the importance of academic planning, all degree-seeking students are required to meet with their dedicated academic advisor upon reaching certain credit milestones. Milestone advising is required for students who have achieved the 15, 30 and 45 credit marks in their academic pursuits. At each checkpoint, advisors discuss specific success-related objectives (see as well as plan course-work to keep students on task to graduate and/or transfer.

Students will receive notification during the term prior to the achievement of the designated credit milestone and will be invited to meet with their dedicated academic advisor. Until the student has met with an advisor and reviewed their academic plan, there is a registration hold placed on the student’s account. The purpose of milestone advising is to make sure students are on the correct academic pathway and if not, to refer them to various campus resources, as needed, for assistance.

Students who are exploring their educational options and beginning the academic and career planning process are invited to meet with an academic advisor to identify interests and goals. Academic advisors are available in the Advising and Transfer Center, located in room A102, to meet with students on a walk-in basis. Advising hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call 410-386-8435 to speak to an academic advisor. Visit for information.

Academic Center/Tutoring

The staff at the Academic Center is here to assist students with their tutoring needs. Tutors offer extensive hours of appointment and drop-in tutoring on campus and through Microsoft Teams. Students are permitted to have one hour of appointment tutoring for most courses per week in addition to drop-in tutoring. Also, review sessions are offered for some courses. The Center is dedicated to meeting the needs of individual students and offers a friendly, dynamic atmosphere in which students may work with peer and/or professional tutors to achieve their academic goals. Visit for more details.

ADA Support Services

Services for students with disabilities are available through the Office of ADA Support Services, located in room A101. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, the term disability means (a) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual; (b) a record of such an impairment; or (c) being regarded as having such an impairment.

Available services include but are not limited to: interpreting for the hearing impaired, peer note sharing, classroom and test accommodations, and needs-specific software. Mobility needs, such as adaptable tables and special seating arrangements, are also accessed through this office.

To receive services, students are required to self-identify and to meet with a member of the Office of ADA Support Services. Disability records submitted to the Office of ADA Support Services are considered confidential and will be treated as confidential. Requests for accommodations should be made at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the term. It is imperative that requests for ASL interpreters be made at least three weeks prior to the start of a term. Official documentation verifying disability status is required. For more information, call 410-386-8327 or 410-386-8329, TTY: 711, stop by room A101, or visit the college’s website at


Carroll is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and the Maryland Junior College Athletic Conference (MD JUCO). The mission of the athletic program at Carroll Community College is to develop eligible student-athletes as students seeking to earn an associate degree first and as athletes aiming to compete in intercollegiate sports while demonstrating respect, sportsmanship, integrity and leadership second. Our athletic program fully supports the College’s mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities.

Carroll Community College’s athletic teams compete in Region XX of the NJCAA and MD JUCO Conference. All student-athletes must be full-time students and meet NJCAA eligibility criteria. Contact the Athletic Director at or visit

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The Carroll Community College Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a multi-disciplinary group of diverse professionals on campus who seek to maintain a safe and supportive campus environment by receiving, evaluating and responding to reports of student behaviors of concern with the purpose of prevention and early intervention to ensure the safety and educational success of students. BIT members meet regularly to intake, assess information and provide students with assistance and resources.

If you have concerns regarding your or another Carroll student’s behavior or safety, help by making a referral to the College’s BIT:


New, used, and rental textbooks, materials required for course work, and basic supplies may be purchased from the College Bookstore. To find out what books are required for courses, buy books online, or check the College Bookstore hours visit or call 410-386-8447.


The Canteen Café, located on the main level of Classroom Building K, is closed for the Spring 2021 term in observance of COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. Seating in the Café dining room is still available with all physical distancing requirements in place.

A variety of juices, sodas, coffee, and snacks are available in vending machines across campus. Cold beverages and dry snacks are located in A, K, L, M, N, P, and T Buildings. A “healthy options” refrigerated vending machine with items such as whole grain snacks, tuna, trail mix, dried fruits, nuts, and power bars is located in N Building, on the second level. For additional food choices, a “wheel type” refrigerated vending machine is located in the K Café vending area. This machine is refreshed weekly and has a variety of fresh grab and go items (premade salads, sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, pudding), along with assorted microwavable single serve meals. 

Microwaves are available near the vending machines in the A, K, N, and T buildings. For your safety and health, hand sanitizer pedestal dispensers are located at each vending machine area.


To facilitate learning, all credit-courses use Canvas, Carroll’s learning management system. Course sites support easy access to class materials, interactions with the instructor and other students, assignment grades, and much more.

Canvas is a completely different system from Student Planning, which holds official student records, allows enrolled students to register for subsequent courses, checks progress against graduation requirements, and displays official final course grades.

Students who have registered and paid are automatically enrolled into Canvas course sites in an overnight process. A link to Canvas can be found on the college’s website under My Carroll. For Canvas site assistance, please call the 24-hour-a day Canvas Support Hotline, 443-487-4439 or log into Canvas, and click on Policies and Support, to open a live chat.

Career Development

To facilitate students’ career goals, Carroll Community College provides the following services to credit students:

  • Make an appointment with Career Development staff. With information, students can make realistic career goals based upon personal interests, skills, values, and needs. Email or call 410-386-8523 to schedule an appointment. 
  • Take CAR 102 - Career Self-Assessment and Planning . This one-credit course, offered every fall and spring term, is designed to help students set career goals.
  • Take CAR 103 - Career and Employment Preparation , a one credit online course on workplace and employment preparation, including resume writing, professional branding, interviewing and job searching.
  • Use Focus 2, a computer assisted career guidance program to discover interest and career ideas.  The access code is CareerStart. This assessment is available from your home computer. Schedule an appointment to discuss results and options. 
  • Sign up for resume, interview, career assessment, Area of Study programs, professional development and job search workshops. See the Career calendar for more information and offerings every fall and spring term,
  • Explore through career events in Areas of Study, informational interviews, employer days and the annual spring career fair.  Register for an internship as well (see below).
  • Review local and regional job and internship opportunities online at 

Child Development Center at Carroll Community College/Early Childhood Lab

The Child Development Center at Carroll Community College offers a unique year round program for the young children, ages 2 through 5, of students, faculty, staff, and Carroll County residents. Parents may enroll their children a full- or part-time basis. A half-day pre-school program is available. Located in Classroom Building K, the Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Center requires an annual $75 registration fee. For information about the Child Development Center, call 410-386-8470 or visit

The Child Development Center is licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education and is accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education. The Child Development Center also serves as a place for professionals to observe young children and refine education skills. Opportunities abound for observation, discussion, and assessment.

Clubs and Student Activities

Carroll Community College provides current credit students with opportunities for participation in various student organizations and campus activities. The level of involvement students choose can provide them with a high degree of personal accomplishment and can significantly enrich their academic experiences. The Student Life Office is located in room A118, which is where the Student Government Organization, Campus Events, Service-Learning and club mailboxes can be found.

Student Life​

Carroll Community College’s Student Life program is based on the assumption that involvement in student activities is a vital component of a student’s education. Participation in a wide variety of academic and social experiences provides the ideal learning laboratory in which students can develop skills as group leaders and members. Involved students can expect to develop greater understanding of and increased competence in leadership, organizational techniques, group processes and interpersonal communication, as well as acquire knowledge and related skills in specific subject matter or special interests. A list of student organizations at Carroll follows, but the listing is by no means complete–Students can start their own clubs with other interested students and add to the list. All Student Life events are funded by the student activity fees collected each term.

Student Government Organization

College life offers many opportunities for current credit students to develop an awareness of their rights and responsibilities as members of the community. College activities, as a vital part of college life, contribute to the social and intellectual development of the student. In recognition of these facts, the students of Carroll Community College have created a Student Government Organization (SGO). All current credit students are members of the Organization by virtue of paying their activity fees each term.

The Student Government Organization, governed by the ten elected delegates to the SGO, anchors the organization of student activities programs; its purpose is to provide maximum opportunity for participation in all campus activities, to establish and maintain student rights and academic freedom, and to promote student cultural, social, and physical welfare.

The SGO, along with the Student Activities Finance Board, is empowered to regulate and budget student activity fees. The SGO also appoints students to SGO and College committees, and represents the views of students to other College constituencies, thus affording students opportunities to be involved in the governance process at the College. Call 410-386-8500 for more information.

Campus Events

The Student Life Office is responsible for organizing a wide variety of events for the entire student body. The nature of their activities should have a broad appeal. Their activities include, but are not limited to, on-campus entertainment, concerts, trips to plays and museums, multicultural programming, movies, outdoor activities, lectures and workshops. Call 410-386-8413 for more information. If you require accommodations to attend a trip or event, please contact the Office of Student Life.

Student Activities Finance Board

The Student Activities Finance Board (SAFB) works closely with the SGO Board and is the body responsible for allocating funds to clubs and organizations. Budget requests are prepared by campus clubs and organizations and are presented to the SAFB for review and possible fund allocation. The SAFB is composed of students, faculty, professional and classified staff, all appointed by the SGO, and is chaired by the Director of Student Life.

Leadership Development

During each academic year, students may participate in the Leadership Challenge Program. Students participate in workshops focused on interpersonal skills, group processes, career development, and teambuilding, to name a few. Students connect with other challengers to maintain their success. Students also demonstrate their leadership through work, service, or club involvement. To finish the program, students present their accomplishments. After successfully completing the Leadership Challenge, students may do the Advanced Leadership Challenge, which adds a mentoring component. Recognition for the Leadership Challenge Program as well as leadership in student activities occurs at the annual SGO Leadership Awards Celebration. Outstanding student leaders may receive SGO Leadership Scholarships to return to Carroll or to transfer to four-year institutions. For more information, look online at

Clubs and Organizations

The Student Government Organization oversees a variety of clubs and organizations which strive to meet the specific career or personal interests of their members. The organizations, currently recognized by the SGO, offering activities and events for students with special interests are:

  • Active Minds
  • Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
  • CCC Gamers
  • Chess Club
  • CUPS (Carroll Undergraduate Psychology Society)
  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Dance Club
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Early Childhood Education Club
  • Finance Club
  • Fine Arts Club
  • Harry Potter Club
  • Hiking Club
  • Indoor Soccer Club
  • Information Systems Security Association- Student Chapter
  • Latinx Club
  • Music Club
  • Nursing Student Association
  • Pride Alliance
  • Solidarity
  • STEM Club
  • Student Education Association
  • Student Veteran Organization
  • Tech Club

These organizations sponsor such activities as community service projects, concerts, speakers, trips, plays, student performers, and student awareness events.

Opportunities for Participation in College Life

In addition to organized clubs and student groups, current credit students may also participate in college life through service on a variety of college committees and boards. In many cases, appointments are made by the Student Government Organization. In other situations, the College seeks out students-at-large for their input and participation. Opportunities range from membership on college search committees (for hiring new staff and faculty) to service on the standing groups (the Planning Advisory Council, College Senate, or Academic Council, for example). Students may also participate in a number of philanthropic endeavors sponsored by the College and individual clubs throughout the year. Interested students should contact the Office of Student Life, 410-386-8500.

Intramurals Program

If COVID-19 health and safety guidelines permit intramurals sports, students will receive information through the Student Life Office. Intramural sports are typically held each term and are free to current credit students. Sports vary each term and may include basketball, soccer, volleyball, softball, and flag football. Sign up information will be communicated through the Carroll Claw weekly email message to students.

Co-Curricular Programs

The Office of Student Life created the Co-Curricular Mini-Grant program to encourage students, faculty, and staff to take part in co-curricular programming on campus. Since all events are tied to one or more academic disciplines, co-curricular programming allows students to experience, on a more personal and active level, what they have learned in the classroom and in their Area of Study. Each year, a variety of topical programs and activities are presented for the benefit of the student body and the greater college community. In the past, faculty and staff have received mini-grants for programs such as field trips to museums and local points of interest, hosting guest speakers on campus from academic disciplines and various film discussion programs. Students interested in receiving more information regarding future co-curricular events may contact the Office of Student Life, 410-386-8500.

Computer Labs

The College provides over 1,000 computers available to students in labs throughout the campus. A full complement of software is available including word processors, spreadsheets, and database managers. All users of campus technology must abide by Section Five: Acceptable Use Policy Technology Resources . Links to this policy appear on the homepage of all lab computers.

Educational Guidance

The Advising and Transfer Center offers academic counseling to help students increase the likelihood of educational, career, and personal success. By meeting with their dedicated academic advisor, students may discuss concerns about academic progress or about a particular course or instructor. Your advisor will meet with you to discuss concerns and to help you make decisions regarding your academic success. Outside referrals to local support services for depression, anxiety, stress, eating disorders, relationship issues and the like are provided as necessary. Conversations of this nature will be kept private except if a health or safety emergency exists and the information will assist in resolving the emergency.


Students receive log in information for their new Carroll email address and instructions to access the system upon submission of a credit student application. All official College communications are sent to Carroll email addresses (including class-related messages, payment due reminders, waitlist alerts, Financial Aid information, etc.). Please check Carroll email even when classes are not in session. Payment is due approximately one month prior to the start of the term.

Health and Life Fitness Center

Health and physical education courses at Carroll support our General Education requirement as well as transfer programs in health education and exercise science. Facilities include a gym, locker rooms, fitness center, exercise science lab, health classrooms, and offices for the Health, Fitness, and Exercise Science Department.

Gym/Locker rooms are available for physical activity courses, open gym hours, and intramural programs.

The Fitness Center offers a variety of cardiovascular and weight-training equipment for use by currently enrolled credit students, faculty, and staff. Students registered in a non-credit fitness course may also use the Fitness Center as part of their designated course time. In addition to using the available equipment, individuals may make an appointment for a personalized fitness workout program. For information on the Fitness Center, hours of operation, or becoming an authorized user, contact the Fitness Center,, room P505, or 410-386-8536.

The Exercise Science Lab supports our exercise science program providing students and staff with a variety of fitness assessments such as blood pressure screening, EKG treadmill testing, body composition, strength, and flexibility.

ID/Library Cards

College photo IDs are issued to all credit students who have registered and arranged payment for the first term’s tuition (including paid in full, enrolled in the payment plan, or received approval for financial aid and/or loan payment). Photo IDs are used for College Library and online resources; Fitness Center; entrance to campus activities; store/restaurant student discounts. There is no cost for the initial college photo ID. Students may pick up college photo IDs at the Photo ID Office (L183) with valid photo ID, such as a current driver’s license or passport. Headwear (except religious) and sunglasses are not permitted for the ID photograph. Only one photograph is taken per person.


Carroll Community College’s internship program allows the student to learn and apply classroom concepts to real life work environments. In addition, students are able to explore diverse career paths, expand their skills and knowledge base and develop greater interpersonal skills. Internships are available for academic credit within the student’s major.

Pre-approved academic internships are awarded one credit hour per every 45 hours of internship time; a maximum of 6 credits can be earned. To qualify, students must be currently enrolled with a GPA of 2.0 or better and have completed at least 12 credits in the content area.

The Career Development Center (A102) is available to help facilitate the development of internships and the internship registration process.

Contact for more information

Library and Media Center

The mission of the Carroll Community College Library and Media Center is to empower its users by creating an environment conducive to the advancement of information literacy. The Library carries out its mission by striving to be a state-of-the-art, user-oriented facility, supporting the College’s curriculum and promoting independent learning. It provides programs and services planned in consultation with the College community to be responsive to the individualized needs of the College’s diverse population.

The Library provides traditional library and media services to all students, faculty, and staff of the College as well as to the citizens of Carroll County. Located in a striking, round building adjacent to the Great Hall, the Library facility is designed to hold 45,000 print and non-print resources. Group study rooms, individual carrels, and study tables make the library a pleasant and productive place to study. A library instruction computer lab (L091) provides the opportunity for group learning. Computer workstations and a wireless network allow users to access online research tools and the internet as well as word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software.

The Library home page ( provides access to a wide variety of electronic research tools including periodical databases, selected internet sites, e-books, research and documentation guides, and online reference resources. In addition, the home page serves as an electronic gateway to course-related electronic resources and interactive services.

The Media Center airs educational and promotional programming over cable channel 18. In addition, the Media Center provides audiovisual equipment and instructional films for institutional use.

All Carroll Community College students are encouraged to use the library, which is open 72 hours per week during the fall and spring terms. Expert staff provide professional assistance in conducting research and in the use of all resources. The Carroll Community College Library and Media Center partners with the McDaniel College Hoover Library, the Carroll County Public Library, and the other Maryland community college libraries to extend and expand services. Call 410-386-8340 or visit for information.

Lynx Portal

The Lynx Portal ( gathers student electronic resources and information in one place. Students have access to their account within 24 hours of submitting the enrollment application (check email for log in and password information). These are your tools:

Student Planning:

  • Create a plan for degree completion
  • Search or register for open courses
  • Drop courses (before and during the refund period)
  • Accept waitlist seats
  • Print course schedule
  • View grades and grade point average
  • Check progress toward a degree or certificate
  • View or print unofficial transcript

Student Finance:

  • Make tuition bill payments
  • Review financial aid summaries
  • Join the payment plan

To access online services via the Lynx Portal, use the Carroll user ID emailed upon enrollment with the password created when setting up the Carroll email account. Visit and click on the FAQ button for a guide to navigating online student services or meet with an academic advisor (A102) for assistance.

Please note: Dual students, students who are on academic probation, have been unsuccessful in transitional courses (including withdrawing or auditing), or who have out-standing issues with the Records or Business Office(s) will be blocked from registering online. In addition, students who have not completed ENGL 101  and a General Education Mathematics course by the completion of 24 credits, will be blocked from online registration until these courses have been completed.

Microsoft Office 365 Software

Microsoft Office is available free of charge to students enrolled in one or more credit courses per term and Continuing Education students enrolled in 100+ hour programs. This includes the latest version of the full Office productivity suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, and more. The software can be installed on up to 5 compatible PCs and Macs. Eligible students will receive an email with instructions to download the software after the first term begins. Students may continue to use the software while enrolled. When Carroll enrollment ceases, students must purchase their own version of the software to continue to access their files. For additional information, contact the Information Technology Help Desk, room C171, 410-386-8060 or

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Under the Department of Education’s (DOE) Title IX regulations, an institution that receives federal funding “shall not discriminate against any student, or exclude any student from its education program or activity, including any class or extracurricular activity, on the basis of such student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.” According to the DOE, appropriate treatment of a pregnant student includes granting the student leave “for so long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician,” and then effectively reinstating the student to the same status as was held when the leave began.

Carroll Community College will treat pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and recovery from pregnancy, and related medical conditions in the same manner and under the same policies as any other temporary disability. As with all temporary disabilities, the College may request a physician’s note or other documentation only if the same requirement is imposed on all other students with conditions requiring doctor’s care. The Title IX Coordinator has the authority to determine that an accommodation is necessary and appropriate and to inform faculty members of the need to adjust academic parameters accordingly.

Carroll Community College must excuse a student’s absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary. When a student returns to school, she must be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before her medical leave began.

The College may offer the student alternatives to make up missed work, such as extending deadlines for pregnancy related absences, retaking a semester, taking part in an online course or allowing the student additional time in a program to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date, especially after longer periods of leave. The student should be allowed to choose how to make up the work.

Private lactation rooms are available in the A and K buildings for students who are breastfeeding and need space to pump. Students seeking access may do so at the Information Center, just inside the entrance of the main A Building.


At Carroll Community College, Service-Learning is a form of experiential learning where students apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs. Service-Learning is a method by which students learn and develop, through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that:

  • meet community needs
  • are coordinated in collaboration with the College and community
  • are integrated into each student’s academic curriculum
  • provide the opportunity for students to think, talk, and write about what they did and said during the service project
  • enable students to use newly acquired academic skills and knowledge in real life situations in their own communities
  • enhance what is taught in the curriculum by extending student learning beyond the classroom
  • help to foster the development of a sense of civic responsibility

(Adapted from Pamela and James Toole and the Alliance for Service-Learning in Education Reform.)

Carroll Community College students may participate in a variety of service-learning activities as a part of their coursework or as members of student organizations. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Life, 410-386-8500.

Student Employment

Student workers are highly valued in the college community. While the number of hours available is limited by departmental needs, budgets and Federal Work Study Awards, student employees may work in a variety of areas for up to 20 hours per week. Positions for student employment are posted on the Employment Opportunities Page.

To be eligible, students must meet satisfactory academic progress with a cumulative GPA of 2.000 and a 66.7% course completion rate. Students must be enrolled in an academic or certificate program (i.e. not a dual enrollment or visiting student), registered for six credits, and be in good academic standing.  

To apply: Complete an application for student employment and email to Financial Aid. Positions using Federal Work Study funds also require completion of FAFSA.

Study Areas

Quiet study, as well as group study space, is available in the Learning Resources Center. Study/lounge space is also located in the Great Hall, the Student Center, and the K building.

Testing Center

The Testing Center (A132) offers placement testing to students as well as other testing as arranged by students and their instructors. Students who are requesting special accommodations for placement testing or for other course testing must contact the Director of Disability Support Services at 410-386-8327 for authorization prior to testing. The Center is also used for Carroll distance learning examinations and serves as a proctor for students testing for other colleges. Students must arrange appointments for testing that requires any equipment (computers, listening devices, specific software, Zoom Text, Kurzweil, etc.). Photo identification is required for all testers.

Carroll Community College is authorized to provide proctoring for the following proprietary test services:

  • Certiport: Visit and create a user account.  Then call the Testing Center at 410 386 8450 to purchase a voucher (at a discounted rate) if one was not purchased from Certiport and schedule an appointment to take the exam. Be sure to bring your account information with you on test day.
  • CLEP: Visit to sign up and pay for an exam then call the Testing Center at 410-386-8450 to schedule a testing appointment.
  • Pearson VUE: Visit to schedule and pay for your exam. To take the Maryland GED exam at Carroll through Pearson VUE go to

The Testing Center is located on the first floor, off the Great Hall, and is open during day and evening hours Monday through Thursday, and during the day on Friday and Saturday. Consult the college website for specific times,, or call 410-386-8450. Please check the college’s event calendar ( for activities in the Great Hall that might affect the testing environment and budget time to finish work before the scheduled closing time.

Transcript Evaluation

Transcript evaluation is available at no cost to students transferring to Carroll Community College. Please complete the College’s enrollment application (including all former names) then forward official transcripts from each institution attended to the Records Office. Official AP, IB, or CLEP scores should also be submitted, if applicable. Official digital documents, emailed to, are preferred.

For evaluation and posting, international high school and college records must be translated into English and provide a course-by-course description of the student’s academic record. Carroll prefers the interpretation provided by World Education Services (, but will accept translations by members of the National Association of Credentialing Evaluation Services (

Upon posting, the transcript evaluator will send an alert by email, usually within five working days of the receipt of all official documents. During peak times (at the start of the term and nursing/PTA application deadlines), the evaluation process can take up to two weeks. To confirm that your official documents have been received, please call 410-386-8440.

Transfer Services

To help with transfer to other colleges and universities, the Advising and Transfer Center offers catalogs and information files for area colleges as well as ARTSYS,, a website that shows how Carroll Community College courses transfer to many four-year institutions in Maryland. Academic advisors are all transfer advisors. Representatives from local colleges and universities visit Carroll twice each year at Transfer Fairs and meet students individually on campus during each term. Carroll also offers transfer road trips. Information is available at

For information about sending your official Carroll transcript to another college, please visit