BIOL 101 - Fundamentals of Biology 1Number of Credits: 4 Fundamentals of Biology 1 is a majors level biology course intended for students pursuing the pathways of STEM, allied health, nursing, PTA, exercise/health science or psychology. The course gives the student who is a science major the basic biological principles common to all living things. Biochemistry, molecular genetics, and evolution serve as central themes for the topics, which include cell structure and function, molecular and cellular energetics, and genetics. Through experiments the student will gain familiarity with various biological techniques and principles. The course includes formulating questions and hypotheses, designing experiments and the collection, reporting, and interpretation of data. Advanced Placement Exam (Biology with a score 4 or 5) and CLEP (Biology with a score of 50) accepted. This course does not satisfy the requirements for pathways in early childhood education or elementary education. (Fall, Spring & Summer Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three hours laboratory each week. Four Credits. Four billable hours. GENERAL EDUCATION Category: Biological and Physical Sciences Pre-requisite(s): eligibility for ENGL 101 , plus exemption/completion of MAT 094 , MAT 015 , or MATH 113 with a minimum grade of C or better. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
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