CIS 101 - Intro. to Computer Information Systems

Number of Credits: 3
Introduction to Computer Information Systems is designed to prepare students to focus upon the technological demands of the 21st century workforce. Students use creative thinking, problem solving, effective communication, team building, and analyze social and ethical issues related to computers, networks, and the Internet. Students gain hands-on experience through examples and team-based scenarios using Web/Internet applications, current word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation applications, and the current Windows operating system. CLEP (Information Systems with a score of 50) accepted. Credit by examination available. Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Pre-requisite(s): exemption/completion of ENG 001   plus MAT 094  , MAT 015   or MATH 113  .
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Explain the value and usefulness of digital literacy in society and as a tool in careers. (General Education Goal 1, 4, 6, 7 BUAD Program Goal 1)
  2. Understand basic computer terminology and concepts including: computer types, application and system software, data and information, system units, input and output hardware, storage, telecommunications and networks, security information systems and the information processing cycle. Apply this terminology to research and discuss factors involved in a new electronic device computer purchase or upgrade. (General Education Goal 1, 4, BUAD Program Goal 2, 4)
  3. Identify and discuss ethical issues including identity theft and related information technology issues and their effect on society and business. Establish proper ethical courses of action and methods for securing personal information. (General Education Goal 1, 2, 4, 7, Program Goal 2)
  4. Perform Internet research using appropriate search methods and analyze the validity and appropriateness of Web resources. Cite sources according to MLA APA guidelines. (General Education Goal 1, 2, 4, BUAD Program Goal 2, 4, 6)
  5. Discuss and apply appropriate methods for communicating via the Internet e-mail and sending attachments, social networks, blogs, and etc. (General Education Goal 1, 4, BUAD Program Goal 4)
  6. Utilize the current Windows operating system to effectively perform maintenance functions, locate devices, and efficiently organize files and folders. (General Education Goal 1, 4, BUAD Program Goal 4)
  7. Use word processing software to prepare documents including: memos, business letters, resumes, flyers, research papers and web pages. (General Education Goal 1, 2, 4, 5, BUAD Program Goal 2, 4, 6, OFFC Program Goal 3)
  8. Use spreadsheet software to create workbooks, perform calculations and analyze data represented as graphs. (General Education Goal 1, 2, 3, 4, BUAD Program Goal 4, 6, OFFC Program Goal 4)
  9. Use database software to plan, design, enter edit data, inquire and create data reports. Gather, process, and evaluate this information.(General Education Goal 1, 2, 4, BUAD Program Goal 4, OFFC Program Goal 6)
  10. Use presentation software to plan, design, create and present a professional presentation. (General Education Goal 1, 4, BUAD Program Goal 3, 4, OFFC Program Goal 5)
  11. Understand the importance of teamwork in organizations, and develop techniques to work more effectively in teams. (General Education Goal 7)
  12. Edit and incorporate rich media such as images, animation, audio and video into documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and demonstrate integration using different applications. (General Education Goal 4, BUAD Program Goal 4, OFFC Program Goal 3, 4, 6)
  13. Use cloud computing concepts and other Internet applications to create and share information. (General Education Goal 4, BUAD Goal 4)

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