Feb 08, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

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ART 115 - Color Theory

Number of Credits: 3
Color Theory studies the physical characteristics and the psychological effects of color. Theory is translated into studio projects. Emphasis is on the impact and manipulation of color in both fine art and graphic design. Adherence to project specs and attention to craftsmanship is stressed. (Fall & Spring Only) Three and a half hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Pre-requisite(s): exemption/completion of ENG 001 , plus ART 105  (ART 105  may be taken concurrently).
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate the importance of presentation: matting, mounting and display of projects by originating and maintaining a cleanly crafted and functioning portfolio.(GE 7 PG 5)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the elements and principles of design as related to color theory by successfully isolating and manipulating each in assigned projects.(GE 5 PG 2)
  3. Demonstrate effective articulation of color concepts and perform evaluation of color solutions and designs in both verbal and studio assignments.(GE 1 PG 3)
  4. Demonstrate ability to interpret and adhere to project goals and specs as assigned.(GE 2 PG 1)
  5. Demonstrate appreciation for and understanding of historical and cultural influences in color applications.(GE 6 PG 4)

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