Dec 04, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

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CRIM 104 - First Responder

Number of Credits: 3
First Responder provides the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to render basic care to a sick or injured person until the arrival of emergency medical providers. The course focuses on performing patient assessments and managing life threatening situations. Successful completion allows the student to take the Maryland First Responder exam for which there is an additional fee. Attendance is mandatory for all classes. Thirty-eight hours of lecture and twelve hours of lab. Hours vary each week Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Pre-requisite(s): exemption/completion of ENG 001 .
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Describe the general goals of Maryland’s First Responder program.
  2. Define the components of the Emergency Medical Services System.
  3. Define the roles and responsibilities of a First Responder.
  4. Explain the signs and symptoms of stress.
  5. Explain the type of actions a First Responder can take to reduce or alleviate stress.
  6. Identify the precautions for preventing infectious diseases from bloodborne and airborne pathogens.
  7. Identify the ten types of hazards to look for when assessing the scene for unsafe conditions.
  8. Properly use safety equipment needed for a first responder.
  9. Describe the standard of care and the scope of care for a first responder.
  10. Explain the following types of consent: -expressed consent -implied consent -consent for minors -consent of mentally ill patients -refusal of care
  11. Identify the purpose of a living will.
  12. Explain the purpose of the Good Samaritan laws.
  13. Identify the basic structures and describe the basic functions of the various body functions.
  14. Describe the guidelines for moving a patient.
  15. Perform an acceptable emergency patient drag.
  16. Describe the process required to check a patient’s respiratory responsiveness.
  17. Demonstrate the necessary steps to identify respiratory arrest and complete rescue breathing to adults, children and infants.
  18. Demonstrate rescue breathing on a patient with a stoma.
  19. Demonstrate airway management on a patient in a setting position, i.e., in a vehicle.
  20. Identify the significance of the following signs: respiration, circulation, skin condition, pupil size and reactivity, level of consciousness.
  21. Describe the sequence of performing a head-to-toe physical examination.
  22. Demonstrate the five steps of patient assessment sequence during a simulated incident.
  23. List the reasons that cause a heart to stop beating.
  24. Explain the major causes of a heart attack.
  25. Identify the cause of congestive heart failure.
  26. Describe the components of CPR.
  27. Describe the techniques of external chest compressions on an adult, a child and an infant.
  28. Explain the steps of one-rescuer CPR.
  29. Explain the steps of two-rescuer CPR.
  30. Demonstrate the steps of one-rescuer CPR.
  31. Demonstrate the steps of two-rescuer CPR.
  32. Describe the major cause of stroke.
  33. Identify the signs, symptoms and initial treatment of a stroke patient.
  34. Describe the signs and symptoms of insulin shock.
  35. Describe the signs and symptoms of diabetic coma.
  36. Explain the initial treatment for insulin shock and diabetic coma.
  37. Describe the treatment procedures for a patient showing signs of heat stroke.
  38. Describe the treatment procedures for a patient showing signs of exposure to cold.
  39. Describe the signs and symptoms of a person who is suffering from a poison exposure.
  40. Describe the signs and symptoms of a person who is suffering from a drug overdose.
  41. Describe the first responder’s role in dealing with an armed patient.
  42. Identify the signs and symptoms of internal bleeding.
  43. Explain the difference between arterial, venous and capillary bleeding.
  44. Describe the various types of emergency care for internal and external bleeding.
  45. Describe the four types of soft tissue injuries.
  46. Identify the principles of treatment for soft tissue injuries.
  47. Explain why tourniquets are discouraged.
  48. Explain the basic emergency treatment for burns.
  49. Define the terms fracture, dislocation and sprains.
  50. Explain the general principles involved with splinting.
  51. Describe the signs and symptoms of head injuries.
  52. Describe the signs, symptoms and treatment of spinal cord injuries.
  53. Demonstrate proper splinting of a patient.
  54. Explain the three stages of the labor and delivery process.
  55. Describe the steps necessary to assist a mother in childbirth.
  56. Describe the steps necessary to care for a newborn infant.
  57. Demonstrate assist with a normal delivery of an infant.
  58. Describe the approach required when dealing with a special needs, i.e., handicapped, elderly, mentally ill.

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