Dec 04, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

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GEOSC 100 - Earth and Space Science

Number of Credits: 4
Earth and Space Science is a one semester course designed for the non-science major and is especially well-suited for students intending to teach at the elementary and middle school level. In addition to concepts of science in general, this course will cover the major concepts of earth science and astronomy, such as the theories of plate tectonics and the origin of our solar system. Other topics include earth materials, structure, and history, as well as a comparison of features of the earth and other planets. Content is based on topics recommended by the National Science Education Content Standards and those of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. (Fall & Spring Only) Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Four Credits. Four billable hours.

GENERAL EDUCATION Category: Biological and Physical Sciences

Pre-requisite(s): exemption/completion of MAT 095  with a minimum grade of C or better, plus eligibility for ENGL 101 .
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Explain how plate tectonic motion results from internal earth processes, and relates to external earth processes and the distribution of earthquakes and surface features such as mountain ranges and sea-floor trenches. (GE1, GE2, GE4)
  2. Apply methods of absolute and relative dating to understand the timing of events in earth history, and explain the variation in time scale of processes related to the development of life, landscapes, and environmental change. (GE1, GE2, GE6)
  3. Analyze the properties and identifying characteristics of a variety of earth materials (minerals, rocks, deposits), and explain their uses as resources to society and as data sources in interpreting earth history. (GE1, GE6)
  4. Analyze patterns of stellar evolution and planetary formation to understand the origin and structure of our solar system. (GE1, GE6)
  5. Analyze data such as celestial motion and earthquakes, collected in laboratory, online, and independent settings, to graph results and make valid interpretations. (GE2, GE4)
  6. Compare and contrast scientific ideas and data sets related to the forcing mechanisms of long and short term climatic fluctuations, to establish scientifically-informed opinions regarding the role of humanity in climate change. (GE1, GE6)
  7. Evaluate and present, in collaborative group settings, various aspects of space research as they relate to our exploration and understanding of our solar system. (GE4, GE6)
  8. Develop greater scientific literacy through the selection, reading, analysis, and presentation of scientific articles relating to course content. (GE1, GE2, GE4, GE6)

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