Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

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ANTH 101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology

Number of Credits: 3
Explore the nature and development of the world’s diverse cultures by examining language, ecological adaptation, religion, family, diversity, economic and political patterns, and cultural change. Prerequisite: eligibility for ENGL-101. Three hours lecture each week. Three credits. Three billable hours. GENERAL EDUCATION and DIVERSITY. (Fall, Spring & Summer Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three Credits. Three billable hours.

Diversity: Meets Diversity Requirement.
GENERAL EDUCATION Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Pre-requisite(s): eligibility for ENGL 101 .
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Examine human cultures past and present in order to answer fundamental questions concerning human nature, and to gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between cultures on a global scale utilizing lectures, films, slides, written sources and field observations. 
2. Conduct a fieldwork study to collect data and then evaluate their data utilizing the methods of an anthropologist (GE1, GE2, GE3, GE5, GE7, PG 1-4).
3. Analyze metaphors used by different cultures (on a global scale) to assess the role of language in maintaining a culture (GE1, GE2, GE4, GE5, GE6, GE7, PG 1-4).
4. Compare and contrast food getting techniques used by different cultural groups to argue why alternative methods (techniques) are successful in satisfying the essential human need for energy (GE1, GE2, GE6, PG1, PG2, PG4).  
5. Explain how and why social organization and conflict resolution vary from culture to culture on a global scale (GE1, GE2, GE6, PG1-4).  
6. Identify the universal functions and purposes of religion including an explanation of why, if the functions and purposes are universal, religions vary from culture to culture (GE1, GE2, GE6, GE7, PG 1-4).
7. Locate, research, analyze a folktale or story from a first person source and examine how folklore reflects and reinforces culture values (GE1, GE2, GE6, GE7, PG 1-4).
8. Evaluate a non-western culture applying anthropologocial topics and methodology to demonstrate an understanding of the elements of, and possibly the solutions to, any cultural issue from multiple perspectives (GE1-7, PG 1-4).

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