HLTH 150 - Introduction to Public Health Number of Credits: 3 Explore core functions of public and community health by examining current problems, social issues, and environmental factors contributing to morbidity and mortality. Participate in practical learning experiences that apply public and community health approaches. Evaluate intervention strategies for health improvements and develop an action plan for a specific population. (Fall & Spring Only) Three hours lecture each week. Three credits. Three billable hours.
Pre-requisite(s): Eligibility for ENGL 101 Course Topics: Public health and health care systems
Public health organizations - local, state, and national
Basic epidemiology
Health promotion and disease prevention
School health and workplace health
Specific and disparate populations
Mental and environmental health
Injuries and public health
Action plan development Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Explain the basics of epidemiology. (PG 1)
2. Describe behavioral and social interventions for health improvement. (PG 4)
3. Identify health care and public health systems and their influence on morbidity and mortality.
4. Examine perceptions about the environment, communicable diseases, and the burden of chronic diseases on communities and individuals. (PG 2)
5. Apply public health approaches to various health conditions and issues. (PG 1, PG 4)
6. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of interventions that impact behavior and health. (PG 3)
7. Present an action plan that assesses an intervention to address a community health problem. (PG 1)
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