Mar 28, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ ARCHIVED CATALOG VERSION ]

Notices to Students

Consumer Information

Under Federal law, Carroll Community College must provide certain information so that students can compare us to other institutions of higher learning. Please visit

Disclosure Regarding Programs for Professional Licensure or Certification

Some programs at Carroll Community College (CCC) are designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional licensure or certification that is required for employment in an occupation.

If you are an out-of-state student seeking professional licensure in a state other than Maryland and you are taking a course or program leading to professional licensure or certification, CCC currently does not guarantee that the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure or certification anywhere other than Maryland. We encourage all students, especially out-of-state students, to contact the appropriate state (or District of Columbia or U.S. territory) licensing board or agency where you intend to work to familiarize yourself with the state educational, licensing, and/or certification requirements.

Accessibility Notice

The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to Carroll Community College and its programs, services, and activities. For questions or assistance, please call the Director of Disability Support Services at 410-386-8327.

Questions or concerns related to facilities accessibility may be directed to the Facilities Management Office at 410-386-8490.

Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Statement

The Board of Trustees of Carroll Community College reaffirms its commitment to the belief in the intrinsic value of individuals and their right to be judged upon the merits of abilities and actions alone; provision of maximum employment opportunity based on the system and the capacity of the potential employee to meet those needs and without regard to any other factors; and provision of maximum educational opportunity for all students with special attention to time schedules, locations, costs and financial support, counseling, student activities, remedial assistance, and other factors, assuring the accessibility of such opportunity to all. In the conduct of the official business and day-to-day operations of the Carroll Community College, the Board of Trustees will not tolerate discrimination against any member of the student body, faculty, or staff upon any unlawful basis or upon any other basis not related to that person’s eligibility or qualifications for participation in College programs, services, activities, and employment.

The Board further states its intent to pursue a vigorous program to expedite the recruitment, hiring, training, development, and promotion of employees and the recruitment, placement, counseling and teaching of students without regard to factors of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, pregnancy, disability, age, genetic information, military service, gender, gender identity, or any other class protected by Federal, State or local law. Further, the Board states its intent to pursue this program, not only in full compliance with pertinent legislation, but in a spirit of outreach and affirmation, accepting fully its charge to improve the quality of life for all within its area of influence.

The Board, further, instructs the President to plan for, implement, and report periodically on an active program to fulfill this commitment. (Revised by the Board of Trustees June 21, 2017)

Students’ Obligation

All Carroll Community College students have the responsibility for being fully aware of College policies and regulations affecting students. Students should consult the College catalog or website for current policies and practices of the College. Students are expected to understand graduation requirements, to monitor their progress, and to consult with advisors as needed.

Student Withdrawal/Refund Appeals

Students facing extenuating circumstances and needing to make late withdrawal and/or refund appeal requests should contact the appeals committee in writing at

Student Complaints

Carroll Community College has a formal complaint process (See Section Seven: Formal Complaint Process for Students ). Students wishing to file a complaint may visit any administrative office for forms, assistance, and guidance. The form is available online at, click on the link to Student Forms.

Student Email Addresses

Carroll Community College students receive a student email address upon application. Students will receive access instructions at the email address listed on their application. Students should activate email immediately; links to setup or modify your account are available at Students must use their Carroll email address for all College course and College business correspondence. Bills are due approximately one month prior to the term’s first day. In addition, waitlist and other notifications will be sent to the Carroll email address. Students should check Carroll email, even when classes are not in session (

Videotaping/Photographing of Students and Visitors

Because Carroll Community College is a public institution, photographs of students, staff, faculty, or visitors in common areas on campus or at public ceremonies or events can be used in printed and electronic public relations materials without their permission. The individual has no privacy rights in this instance and no model’s release is required. However, every effort will be made by the photographer to notify individuals within the shoot area so that they may choose to exclude themselves from the photograph.

In the context of a class, especially a Teams-based class, students may be video recorded. Recordings will be restricted to use by that course section in that course term, unless the instructor redacts any pieces of the recording that allow students to be recognizable. 

Children on Campus

Children are invited to the Carroll Community College campus and warmly encouraged to participate in college events and activities suitable for children. They may also visit the campus on an exceptional basis. The presence of children shall always be subject to the following conditions:

  • At all times children must be under the direct supervision of the adult bringing them on campus.
  • Children may not disrupt the learning, business, or professional environment of the College.
  • Employees are not permitted to bring children with them during their normally scheduled work hours. Depending on the position and circumstance, on rare occasions exceptions may be granted with prior supervisor approval.
  • Unless as part of a recognized Carroll Community College activity under the supervision of a designated college official, children may not use Carroll Community College’s parking areas, roadways, gymnasium, or amphitheater for riding bicycles, rollerblading, skateboarding, or for other recreational purposes.
  • They may not enter any area of the College which may pose a health or safety risk or which contains expensive, fragile, or sensitive equipment.
  • Children are not permitted in the Academic Center or Testing Center.

Parents, whether students, faculty, or staff, are not to bring their children to the College on a routine or regular basis. Only currently enrolled College students, employees, and officially invited College guests are permitted in classrooms and laboratories while classes and other educational activities are being conducted. Bringing children to a class is discouraged due to the potential interruption of the learning environment. If an emergency situation requires that a child accompany a student to class, approval from the instructor is required. If an emergency situation requires that an employee bring a child to work, approval of their supervisor is required.

Carroll Community College accepts neither responsibility nor liability for injuries that may occur to the child or damage caused by the child while on the Carroll Community College campus. Responsibility for damage and liability lies entirely and completely with the responsible parent or guardian.

In the event that any of the above conditions are violated, a responsible College official may request the removal of the child from campus. If a request to leave the campus is not honored, the responsible College official may undertake such lawful measures as may be deemed necessary to secure the child’s removal.

Campus Closing and Emergency Notifications


Carroll’s state-of-the-art notification system, e2Campus, allows messages to be sent instantly and simultaneously to all students, faculty and staff who register with e2Campus via mobile devices (SMS text message) and/or e-mail. Additionally, the messages will “pop up” on the computer screen for anyone subscribing to the RSS feed with Google, Yahoo, or using portal and social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter. e2Campus will be used to send emergency notifications that are critical to safety or to relay vital information in a timely matter. Notifications are sent by designated administrators and are immediately delivered to recipients. Notifications include campus closing and security alerts. This service is voluntary and students may opt-in or opt-out at any time. Some wireless service agents charge a nominal fee for receiving text messages. Only monthly system test messages and official notifications will be sent. To register for an account or get more information about this service, go to

Class Session Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather, Etc.

Weather-related closing information can be found on the Carroll Community College website at or by calling our Inclement Weather Line, 410-386-8457.

Register with e2Campus, the College’s Emergency Notification System, at to receive weather-related announcements through social media, email, or text message to your mobile devices. Be sure to visit the College’s website, Canvas, or your email for complete announcements due to the limited size of the emergency messaging capability.

The following radio and TV stations in and around the Carroll County/Baltimore County/southern Pennsylvania area will carry the announcements for Carroll Community College:

Radio stations: WBAL-1090AM, WIYY-98FM, WSOX-96.1FM, WTTR-1470AM

Television stations: WMAR-2, WBAL-11, WJZ-13, WPMT-FOX 43 (Pennsylvania)

Announcements will be made, including weekends, beginning at approximately 6:30 a.m. for day classes/events and at approximately 4:00 p.m. or earlier if possible for evening classes/events. When the College campus is closed, all on-campus activities will also be canceled unless an announcement is made to the contrary.

When the College closes due to inclement weather, ALL in-person credit and non-credit classes, including evening courses, are canceled in ALL College locations, including the Multi-Service Center, and Carroll County Public Schools.

  • CREDIT STUDENTS: All face-to-face, hybrid, and remote synchronous courses will be canceled.  Asynchronous online courses are not impacted by the campus being closed.  All credit students should check Canvas/Email for information from instructors.
  • CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING STUDENTS:  For more information on CET classes call 410-386-8457. 

Canvas site for Announcements and/or Assignments: If a class session is canceled or the College campus is closed for any reason, it is each student’s responsibility to visit his or her course Canvas site(s) for announcements and/or assignments related to the canceled class sessions. If the student is unable to access the Internet, he or she is to contact his or her instructor(s) at the phone number on the course syllabus. It is strongly suggested that the student do this as soon as notification is provided that a class session will be canceled, or the College campus closed so that any alternative or makeup assignments may be completed prior to the next scheduled class session(s). Please note that a student’s failure to access Canvas or otherwise contact his or her instructors may result in an unexcused absence and lost credit for any work missed.

Continuing Education Non-Credit Late Openings/Closings: Classes starting at the late opening time or later will meet as scheduled. Unless notified otherwise, full-day in-person seminars and courses scheduled to run from morning into late afternoon WILL begin at the late opening time and continue until their regularly scheduled end time. All other in-person continuing education classes are canceled. Come to the next session as scheduled. If this is the last session, you will be contacted by College staff about a make-up class. Please call the weather line for additional information 410-386-8457.

When Carroll County Public School System closes for the day or during the day, credit and non-credit College classes being held in the public school facilities will be canceled.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Carroll Community College informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This Act, with which the institution intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act. A copy of the policy can be found in the Regulations  section.

To fulfill the basic requirements for compliance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, each educational institution must disclose educational records without written consent of students to the following: students who request information from their own record; authorized representatives of the following for audit or evaluation of federally supported education programs, or in connection with the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements relating to these programs:

Comptroller General of the United States, Secretary of Education, State and local educational authorities

For questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, contact the Records Office at 410-386-8440.

Privacy Rights of Students

Carroll Community College complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C.; 1232g) and any regulations which may be promulgated there under. Students and others who may wish specific information regarding their rights of access to institutional educational records maintained in their names are referred to the Regulations   section.

The Registrar coordinates the inspection and review procedures for student educational records, which include academic, admissions, and financial aid files. Students wishing to review their records must present a written request to the Registrar listing the record(s) of interest together with their student I.D. card and official state or federal issued photo-identification. Access will be granted within at least 30 days from the date of the written request. See the Regulations  for further information.

Public Notice Designating Directory Information

Carroll Community College designates the following categories of the student information as public or “Directory Information.” Such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion: name, dates of attendance (term dates), enrollment status (i.e. full-time or part-time), major field of study, participation in College recognized activities and intramural sports, degrees and awards received, and hometown.

Currently enrolled students may request the withholding of the disclosure of any category of information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be filed annually with the Registrar in the Records Office.

Carroll Community College assumes that failure on the part of any student to request the withholding of the disclosure of categories of “Directory Information” indicates individual approval for disclosure.

Campus Conduct

Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus

Effective January 2, 2009, Carroll Community College became a smoke and tobacco-free environment. Smoking, vaping, and/or tobacco use is prohibited in College-owned or leased buildings and off-campus sites operated by the College; all College property including parking lots, athletic fields, and amphitheater; as well as College-owned or rented vehicles. Tobacco and smoking products restricted from use include, but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidi, clove cigarettes, dip, chew, snuff, snus, and electronic cigarettes. This policy extends to students, employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents, vendors, and visitors.

(Policy approved by the Board of Trustees of Carroll Community College on September 17, 2008 and effective as of January 2, 2009. Revised November 6, 2012)

Drug and Alcohol Statement

Carroll Community College is committed to a substance-free workplace and campus environment and, in so doing, supports both the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Title IV, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989. Further details on the Drug and Alcohol policy can be found in the College Regulations and Policies  section of this catalog.

Title IX

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex/gender-based and sexual misconduct in education, including Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Students may speak to campus officials to make formal reports of incidents. For more information or inquiries, please contact Melody Moore, Title IX Coordinator; room A117C; phone: 410-386-8412; email:  Carroll Community College also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution.  Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by Carroll Community College policy. For Carroll Community College’s full policy and procedures, please refer to Regulations and Policies, Section Eleven: Health and Safety , Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Reporting, Investigation, Hearing, Decision, Sanctions, and Appeal Policy Procedures.

Prohibition of Individuals on the Sex Offender Registry

Carroll Community College is committed to offering accessible educational opportunities to our community. In support of that commitment, the College maintains an open door policy of admission. The college also provides learning opportunities for the younger learners and houses a Child Development Center. Therefore, the College prohibits the enrollment of individuals listed on any State Services Sex Offender registry and/or Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Sex Offender registry. This would include online courses, programs, or attending any college-sponsored events, on or off campus. Further, according to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Procedures §11-722, a registered sex offender may not enter the grounds or buildings of Carroll Community College for any reason.

Trespass Policy

Denial of access to College grounds is permitted in accordance with the Maryland Annotated Code, Education Article, Sections 26-102. A full statement of College policy is in the Regulations  section of this catalog.

Crime Awareness and Carroll’s Campus Police Services

The safety and protection of our students is important. Contact Campus Police by visiting room A137 or dialing 410-386-8123 or extension 8123 on an internal phone. College-employed campus police officers are on campus during day and evening hours for building and parking lot patrols.

Remember, no college campus is a haven from crime, so be security conscious and report all crimes, emergencies, and suspicious persons and conditions to Campus Police, Administrative Services Office, a Campus Police officer on duty, or the Information Center. All crimes and incidents will be investigated promptly for proper action. The Campus Police will call local law enforcement when needed, or when requested by a victim of a crime. Uniformed officers will provide escort service to cars upon request.

A daily crime log is maintained in the Campus Police Office, room A137, which contains the most recent 60-day crime activity for public review. A “Daily Crime Log” is also available for review on the College’s website at Campus crime statistics are updated and published annually in the Annual Security Report per the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. This report is available on the College’s website.

Carroll Community College is an open campus, welcoming many citizens to attend credit and continuing education courses, meetings, and activities. Everyone using the campus, including visitors, is required to show proper identification when requested by authorized personnel of the College. Visitors are welcome on campus when conducting business or using the facilities in accordance with College policy.

All buildings are locked and secured by Campus Police officers in accordance with scheduled classes and activities in the buildings. The College’s hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Winter and summer term hours vary. On Sundays, the College is closed unless there is a planned special event or class. In these cases, the doors nearest that event are opened ½ hour prior to the scheduled starting time and secured ½ hour after the event. During these special events, the only doors open are those needed to provide access to the event and emergency fire exits. No one, unless authorized, is allowed in the building during closed hours.

It is the policy of Carroll Community College to have an advisor present at all student organization events (on and off campus). The advisor is responsible to report all criminal activity to the Chief of Campus Police, who will ensure that the incident is recorded and investigated, as appropriate.

If anyone is a victim of a crime, sexual assault, or sexual offense while on campus, the incident should be reported immediately by dialing 8123 from any College phone, 410-386-8123, or speaking with a Campus Police officer.

Emergency Contacts

Dial 911 for life threatening events and give the exact location of the emergency, e.g. building and room number at Carroll Community College, and then call extension 8123 to alert Campus Police.

Dial extension 8123 from a campus phone or 410-386-8123 from a non-campus phone for immediate Campus Police response. All Campus Police officers are trained in first aid, CPR, and AED.

Dial “0” to reach the Information Center.

Dial extension 8123 or 410-386-8123 to report campus crimes.